Tomb Raider Comic #12 OUT NOW
Buy it now!: http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/22-849/Tomb-Raider-12 As Lara’s journey continues she finds herself in a deadly showdown...

Tomb Raider Comic #12 on sale the next January 28th, 2015
TOMB RAIDER #12 As Lara’s journey continues she finds herself in a deadly showdown against a sinister killer. If Lara can’t finish what...

Preview of Tomb Raider Comic #11
The newest addition to the Tomb Raider saga, cowritten by Gail Simone and Rhianna Pratchett! Lara’s risking her life to reveal a...

Tomb Raider Comic #11 OUT NOW
The newest addition to the Tomb Raider saga, cowritten by Gail Simone and Rhianna Pratchett! Lara’s risking her life to reveal a...

OUT NOW! Tomb Raider Comic #10
OUT NOW! Tomb Raider Comic #10 After a terrifying journey in the cursed depths of the lost Roanoke colony, Lara heads aboveground to the...

Preview pages of Tomb Raider #10 (black and white)
Some original art of Nicolás Daniel Selma. Preview pages of Tomb Raider #10 Follow him on: https://www.facebook.com/NicolasDanielSelma

Llegan de los cómics de Tomb Raider en español de la mano de Aleta Ediciones
Me alegra anunciar que los cómics de Tomb Raider editados por Dark Horse Comics llegarán a España traducidos al castellano de la mano de...

PREVIEW of TOMB RAIDER COMIC #10.Nicolás Daniel Selma, IS BACK!

Interview with Nicolás Daniel Selma, Penciller in Dark Horse Comics
Nicolás Daniel Selma is penciller in Dark Horse comics for the new series of Tomb Raider. Check out his interview with "Tomb Raider...